Frequently Asked Questions

Income General

Founded in 2006, was born as a one-stop platform that sells bus tickets in Malaysia and Singapore. We’ve grown rapidly and are now the largest online booking platform in Southeast Asia with more than 5 Million tickets sold online.

Our core value is to constantly provide the best service for all of our customer. We offer one of the most hassle-free booking experience in the industry. A few clicks away and you are ready to travel to your favorite destination. Booking has never been easier with Easybook! Just search, book and go!

The insurance policy is called Easybook Travel insurance Policy

Benefit Description Sum Insured ($)

Accidental death and permanent disability


Medical expenses due to injury


Limit for treatment by a Chinese medical practitioner $100 per visit

$100 per visit

Emergency medical evacuation


Sending you home


Loss or damage of baggage, personal belongings, identity and travel documents


Limit for each item, set or pair


Losing money


Compassionate visit


Limit for accommodation expenses per room per night


You will receive an official email from senang/easybook for the confirmation of insurance policy.

This policy does not cover claims for loss or liability directly or indirectly caused by or arising from the following.

  1. The insured person travelling as an operator or crew member in, or carrying out any testing or repairs on the mode of transport.
  2. The insured person travelling against medical advice or for the purpose of getting medical treatment.
  3. The insured person travelling against any travel advisory issued by the Singapore government.
  4. The insured person deliberately injuring themselves, committing suicide or attempted suicide while sane or insane, their criminal act, provoked assault, deliberate acts or putting themselves in danger (unless they are trying to save human life).
  5. The effect or influence of alcohol or drugs.
  6. Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage or all complications arising from these conditions.
  7. Mental problems or insanity.
  8. Sexually transmitted infections, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or any HIV-related illness including acquired immunity deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or any mutant derivatives or variations of this however they are caused.
  9. Pre-existing medical conditions.
  10. The insured person’s physical disabilities.
  11. Taking part in flying or other aerial activities except as a fare-paying passenger in a licensed passenger-carrying aircraft.
  12. Taking part in any kind of speed contest or racing (other than on foot).
  13. An accident while the insured person is driving or riding on a motor race track.
  14. Any sport or activity which is against the advice of a medical practitioner or against the health and safety rules as required by the activity operator.
  15. Any extreme sports which involve speed, height, danger, a high level of physical exertion, highly specialised gear or spectacular stunts, whether they are played competitively or non-competitively, in a team or individually. This includes but not limited to aerobatics, BASE jumping, free flying, ice climbing and wingsuit flying.
  16. Expedition, trekking, rock or mountain climbing, scuba diving
  17. Any group or team building activity including but not limited to outdoor activity such as canoeing, cycling, river rafting, caving, overnight outdoor camping or rock climbing on man-made walls;
  18. Taking part in any professional sports or in any sports which the insured person could receive any form of prize money, donation, sponsorship, award or certificate of any kind.
  19. The consequences of war, riot, revolution or any similar event.
  20. Radioactivity, or damage from any nuclear fuel, material or waste.
  21. Breaking government regulation or the insured person failing to take reasonable precautions to avoid a claim under this policy after receiving a warning through the media of any intended strike, riot or civil commotion.
  22. The insured person failing to take reasonable precautions to avoid injury or minimise claims under this policy.
  23. Any known event.
  24. Claims which are covered by other insurance or which would be paid for by the carrier, hotel, tour operator, travel agency or other providers.
  25. The insured person’s deliberate act, failure to act, negligence or carelessness.
  26. Expenses or charges for food and beverages, local and international phone calls, laundry and hotel entertainment or pay-per-view TV programmes.
  27. The insured person being a terrorist, a member of a terrorist organization, a narcotics trafficker or a purveyor of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
  28. Claims for treatment of an optional nature, for example, plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery which is not medically necessary.
  29. Claims for nursing care that is not provided by the hospital.
  30. Claims for routine physical examinations, health check-ups or tests which do not form part of the treatment or diagnosis of the actual injury.
  31. Any treatment which is not considered medically necessary by the medical practitioner.
  32. Conditions arising from surgical, mechanical or chemical contraceptive methods of birth control or treatments relating to infertility.

If we refuse to pay a claim as a result of any of the exclusions listed above and the insured person disagrees with our decision, they are responsible for proving that we are legally responsible for the claim. If any part of any exclusion is found to be invalid or we cannot enforce it, it will not affect the rest of the exclusions.

All dollar amounts shown in the policy schedule are shown in Singapore dollars (S$). We will not pay interest under this policy.

Should any difference arise between the policyholder and us as to the terms of this policy, the same shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Act (Chapter 10) in force in the Republic of Singapore and the obtaining of an award by the policyholder shall be condition precedent to any liability to us under this policy.

  1. At the time of the insured person's trip, they must be medically fit to travel, and the policyholder and insured person are not aware of any circumstances which may lead to the insured person's trip being cancelled or disrupted. If not, we may not pay the claim.
  2. The insured person or policyholder must tell us as soon as possible and in any case within 60 days following any injury, sickness, incident, event, or discovery of any loss, which may give rise to a claim under this policy.
  3. If the insured person or policyholder can recover all or part of the medical expenses from other sources, we will only pay them the amount that they cannot recover.
  4. We pay all claims to in Singapore dollars. If the insured person or policyholder suffers a loss which is in a foreign currency, we will convert the amount into Singapore dollars at the exchange rate which we will decide on the date of the loss.

  1. The policyholder, insured person or their legal representatives must supply all information, reports, original invoices and receipts, proof of ownership, evidence, medical certificates, documents (such as a translation of a foreign-language document into English), confirmed by oath if necessary, we may need before we assess their claim. We may refuse to reimburse the policyholder for any expense which the insured person cannot provide original receipts or invoices for.
  2. the insured person or policyholder must give us all travel booking form, invoice, e-ticket confirmation, boarding pass and photocopy of passport as part of their claim to prove their travel.

If the insured person is involved in an accident while travelling on the mode of transport during their trip and due only to this accident the insured person dies or becomes permanently disabled within 365 days from the date of the accident, the personal accident cover will apply.

Besides the general exclusions listed in part 5 of the general conditions, we will also not pay for the following.

  1. Permanent disability or death caused directly or indirectly by sickness and not by an accident. For example, we will not pay a claim if the insured person dies from a heart attack or become permanently disabled after suffering a stroke.
  2. Permanently disability or death is caused directly or indirectly by any physical disability which existed before the trip.
  3. Extra compensation for any specific item which is part of a greater item due under this policy. For example, we will pay for losing a limb, but we will not pay again for permanent total disability due to the loss of use of the same limb

If the insured person suffers an injury during their trip while travelling on the mode of transport and needs to get medical treatment. The policyholder or insured person must provide a written report of the insured person’s medical condition from the medical practitioner together with original medical bills and receipts.

1 We will pay for:

  1. the necessary and reasonable costs of emergency medical, surgical, hospital, dental treatment and ambulance recommended or requested by a medical practitioner; and
  2. the reasonable and necessary expenses the insured person pays or agree to pay for outpatient treatment by a Chinese medicine practitioner.

for the insured person to be treated immediately, up to 60 days from the date of injury.

2 The most we will pay is up to the sub-limit and limit shown in the table of cover.

Besides the general exclusions listed in part 5 of the general conditions, we will also not pay for the following, or for loss or liability directly or indirectly caused by the following.

  1. Overseas medical treatment that has been pre-planned or pre-arranged.
  2. Claims for dental treatment as a result of tooth or gum or oral diseases, or from normal wearing of teeth.
  3. Medical treatment that is caused directly or indirectly by sickness (for example, a heart attack or a stroke) and not by an injury.
  4. Any expenses that can be recovered from specific medical insurance or other insurance covering the same loss or expense.
  5. Non-emergency medical treatment which can be deferred.
  6. Claims that result from a pre-existing medical condition.
  7. Any medical expenses incurred if the insured person can recover the medical expenses from any other insurance plan or national healthcare scheme.

  1. If the insured person is in a life-threatening condition because of an injury while travelling on the mode of transport during their trip overseas and our assistance company believes that it is medically necessary to move the insured person to the nearest medical facility for treatment (whether overseas or in Singapore).
  2. If the insured person needs to return to Singapore for recuperation or continued treatment after being moved to an overseas facility for treatment as in Section A above.

  1. We will pay for the necessary expenses our assistance company spends when they use air ambulance, surface ambulance, regular air transport, railroad, land or sea transport or any other appropriate method to move the insured person to the medical facility for treatment.
  2. If the insured person can use their existing return ticket to Singapore, we will only pay for the administrative fees charged by the transport operator or travel agent for changing their travel dates or destinations.
  3. All decisions on the most appropriate method of transport and the destination to move the insured person will be made by our assistance company. The decision will be based only on the medical necessity and the severity of the insured person’s medical condition

Besides the general exclusions listed in part 5 of the general conditions, we will also not pay for the following, or for loss or liability directly or indirectly caused by the following.

  1. Claims resulting from services not arranged or approved by our assistance company or us.
  2. Non-emergency medical treatment which can be deferred until the insured person returns to Singapore.
  3. Claims that result from a pre-existing medical condition.

If the insured person dies after suffering an injury while travelling on the mode of transport while on a trip.

  1. We will pay for the necessary expenses our assistance company spends to return the insured person’s body to their home country.
  2. We will also pay for the services and supplies provided by the mortician or undertaker, including but not limited to the cost of a casket, the embalming and cremation.

Besides the general exclusions listed in part 5 of the general conditions, we will also not pay for the following, or for loss or liability directly or indirectly caused by the following.

  1. Claims resulting from services not arranged or approved by our assistance company or us.
  2. Claims that result from a pre-existing medical condition.

If the insured person’s baggage, personal belongings, identity or travel documents are lost or damaged due to an accident or theft while travelling on the mode of transport while on a trip. The insured person must show that he/she have met the following conditions.

  1. The insured person has taken all possible steps and been careful to protect the security of his/her belongings and prevent loss or damage.
  2. The insured person has reported the loss to the police where the loss has happened and to the relevant transport operator, immediately upon alighting from the mode of transport. The insured person must send us a copy of the police report or other written document issued by the relevant transport operator with details of the loss or damage, together with all relevant receipts or proof of purchase.
  3. The insured person must make any claims arising from loss or damage to his/her baggage, personal belongings, identity and travel documents while in the custody and care of the transport provider to the service provider first.

We will reduce the claim by the amount the transport provider has refunded the insured person.
We will only pay the claim after the insured person has given us written or documentary proof that his/her claim has been denied, rejected or partially paid by the transport provider

  1. We will decide whether to replace, repair or pay a cash equivalent for the lost or damaged baggage and personal belongings. We will deduct an amount for wear and tear when we work out the claim.
  2. In the event of a serious accident and the insured person’s baggage is irrecoverable, we will pay the benefit limit and the limit of $50 per item, set or pair will not apply.
  3. The most we will pay under this section is the sub-limit and limit as shown in the table of cover.

Besides the general exclusions listed in part 5 of the general conditions, we will also not pay for the following, or for loss or liability directly or indirectly caused by the following.

  1. Any baggage which the insured person separately checked in in advance unless required by the transport operator.
  2. Claims for wear and tear (this includes scratches, discolouration, stains, tears, or dents to the surface of the item which does not affect how it works), claims arising from atmospheric or climatic conditions, gradual deterioration, pests and insects or damage caused during the repair process.
  3. Items that are confiscated or held by customs or authorities.
  4. Claims for motor vehicles (including their accessories).
  5. Claims for fragile items, antiques, artefacts, manuscripts, paintings, musical instruments, dentures, fur and contact or corneal lenses.
  6. Claims for fruits, perishables, consumables and animals.
  7. Claims for loss of, or restoring, lost or damaged information stored in tapes, cards, discs or other storage devices.
  8. Claims for business goods or equipment of any kind.
  9. Claims for money, securities, stamps, debit or credit cards, cash card, Ez link Card, bonds and coupons.
  10. Claims for any item which does not belong to the insured person.
  11. Unexplained and mysterious disappearance of the insured person’s baggage, personal belongings, identity or travel documents.
  12. Any claim resulting from the insured person’s deliberate act, failure to act, negligence or carelessness.
  13. Any claim resulting from the insured person’s item being lost or damaged when left unattended in a public place and which is not in the custody of an authorised party (including the mode of transport provider such as airline, train, coach and ferrys).
  14. Any claim resulting from deliberate acts of anyone the insured person or his/her travelling companion have invited to join the insured person or his/her travelling companion at any time during the trip.
  15. Buying travel tickets to replace tickets which have been lost or stolen or which existing travel tickers cannot be used due to insured person changing the travel date.
  16. If the insured person fails to report the loss to the police or relevant authority immediately upon alighting from the mode of transport.
  17. The insured person failing to take due care and precautions to make sure that his/her identity and travel documents are kept in a safe place.
  18. Claims for belongings which are specifically insured under other policies of insurance.

If the insured person’s money is stolen from him/her while travelling on the mode of transport while on a trip.

The insured person must show that:

  1. He/she has taken all possible steps and taken care to make sure that your money is kept in a secure place and not left unattended in a public place; and
  2. He/she has reported the loss to the police where the loss happened, immediately upon alighting from the mode of transport . The insured person must send us a copy of the police report with details of the loss.

We will pay up to the amount shown in the table of cover

Besides the general exclusions listed in part 5 of the general conditions, we will also not pay for the following, or for loss or liability directly or indirectly caused by the following.

  1. If the insured person fails to report to the police or relevant authority immediately upon alighting from the mode of transport.
  2. The insured person failing to take due care and precautions to make sure that his/her money is kept in a safe place.
  3. Any loss due to exchange rate or loss in value of currencies.
  4. Loss of money which was not under the insured person’s care and custody.
  5. Unexplained and mysterious disappearance of the insured person’s money.
  6. Any claim resulting from your deliberate act, failure to act, negligence or carelessness.
  7. Any claim resulting from deliberate acts of anyone the insured person or his/her travelling companion have invited to join him/her or his/her travelling companion at any time during the trip.

  1. If the insured person suffers an injury while travelling on the mode of transport while on a trip and has to stay in an overseas hospital for at least 24 hours in a row, and his/her medical condition does not allow him/her to return to Singapore for medical treatment, and no adult family member is with the insured person during his/her stay in the hospital.
  2. If the insured person dies because of an injury while travelling on the mode of transport while on a trip and there is no adult family member present to make funeral arrangements or arrangements to send his/her body or ashes back to Singapore or his/her home country.

  1. We will pay for the reasonable economy-class transport expenses (for air, sea or land travel) and reasonable hotel accommodation expenses of a standard room for one family member, friend, or an employee of the travel agency where the transport ticket was purchased to travel and be with the insured person or for one travelling companion to stay with the insured person until he/she is confirmed medically fit by a medical practitioner to continue with his/her trip or to return to Singapore or for up to 30 days from the date the trip ends, whichever comes first.
  2. We will pay for the reasonable economy-class transport expenses (for air, sea or land travel) and hotel accommodation expenses of a standard room for one family member, travelling companion, friend, or an employee of the travel agency where the transport ticket was purchased to help in the final arrangements to bring your body or ashes back to Singapore or your home country.
  3. You can only claim under either A or B for each event but not under both sections. We will only pay the benefit which applies to you under section A or B of your plan as shown in the table of cover.
  4. The most we will pay under this section is the sub-limit and limit as shown in the table of cover

Besides the general exclusions listed in part 5 of the general conditions, we will also not pay for the following, or for loss or liability directly or indirectly caused by the following.
Claims that result from a pre-existing medical condition or any sickness the insured person knew about.

  1. If the insured person suffers an injury while travelling on the mode of transport while on a trip and has to stay in an overseas hospital for at least 24 hours in a row, and his/her medical condition does not allow him/her to return to Singapore for medical treatment, and no adult family member is with the insured person during his/her stay in the hospital.
  2. If the insured person dies because of an injury while travelling on the mode of transport while on a trip and there is no adult family member present to make funeral arrangements or arrangements to send his/her body or ashes back to Singapore or his/her home country.

PWS is appointed broker for this programme


Kindly route to this claim portal link :
Register your claim and upload the relevant documentation required. Once the claim details have been filled up in the system, you will receive a confirmation email from Senang.

You are only applicable to make a claim for the policy if it's active or expired.

There are 2 options for you to check the claim status

  1. You may check the claim status in the designated portal provided by easybook/senang. There are 4 type of claim status which is Registered/Pending/Rejected/Successful/Paid
  2. Email to and we will revert within 5 working days.

AIG Malaysia FAQ


Kindly route to this claim portal link :
Register your claim and upload the relevant documentation required. Once the claim details have been filled up in the system, you will receive a confirmation email from Senang.

You are only applicable to make a claim for the policy if it's active or expired.

There are 2 options for you to check the claim status

  1. You may check the claim status in the designated portal provided by easybook/senang. There are 4 type of claim status which is Registered/Pending/Rejected/Successful/Paid
  2. Email to and we will revert within 5 working days.